Relazioni internazionali

Nel settore delle Relazioni Internazionali, il Conservatorio di Pescara dà supporto sia ai propri studenti che vogliono svolgere un periodo di studio o tirocinio presso una Istituzione estera (outgoing) sia agli studenti stranieri che vogliono trascorrere un periodo di studio presso il Conservatorio di Pescara (incoming). Proponiamo, fra gli altri, i seguenti programmi di scambio: Erasmus+, Accordi Bilaterali, Working With Music+, ARTS.


Coordinatore Relazioni Internazionali - M° Stefania Franchini
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STAFF Relazioni internazionali
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The Conservatorio of Music “L. D’Annunzio” welcomes every student.

Pescara Conservatory “L. D’Annunzio” is a musical and artistic higher education institution certified by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.

It was founded in 1920s thanks to the very generous support of a group of musicians and intellectuals living in Abruzzo; they were encouraged by Gabriele D’Annunzio himself who whished to perpetuate the memory of his beloved mother, Luisa. Situated in two historical buildings of the town, it has gradually enriched its curriculum ranging from traditional courses to experimental ones aimed at creating new professional performers. The Conservatory offers a variety of Bachelor and Master courses: instrumental, composition, vocal, lessons for choral and orchestra conductors, pop and jazz music courses as well as Music Therapy courses. The artistic production, realized in collaboration with the main local Institution, is motivated by great dynamism. 

The Conservatory of Pescara is one of the promoting partners of RAMI, an artistic and musical research fellowship operating in Italy and connected with the European EPARM platform, which aims to define new development policies for research activities. 

Pescara Music Conservatory cooperates with numerous foreign music Universities from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary. It’s a member of AEC – Association of European Conservatories, Higher Music schools and Academies.


Vocalism and Acting:  Classical SingingOpera, Piano accompaniment, korrepetitor    

Strings:   Violin, Viola, Cello, Doublebass, Guitar, Harp   

Winds: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba   

Keyboards:piano, organ, Gregorian chant, percussion instruments

Performing disciplines of Early music: recorder, baroque violin, harpsicord and early keyboards

Theoretical, analytical, conducting and chamber music: string – wind chamber music, mixed chamber music, choir, orchestra conducting, choir conducting, composition, piano practice, theory, analysis, history of music, elettronic music

Music education: music pedagogy, composition, choir conducting, history of music and research, 

Pop/Rock: bass, drums, singing, guitar, keyboards, contemporary writing and production

Jazz: piano, doublebass, bass, drums, singing, guitar, keyboards, clarinet, sax, trumpet, trombone, violin

AVAILABLE COURSES:    1) Diploma di I Livello (Bachelor – 3 years- 180 credits)

                                    2) Diploma di II Livello (Master – 2 years -120 credits)



ADDRESS: viale Muzii 5/7  65123 Pescara (PE) Italy

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Administrative Support : Dott.ssa Alessandra De Vincentis 

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